The Date for CURRENT REMAX Alliance realty office exhibit ends July 6, if you have work there, please pick up your art work from 10am-5pm thru July 3 and 6th. Thanks very much for participating in this event. And congrats to those who sold their work!

Remax Installation Team: Karen Cohen, Jon Weiner and Jan Zastrow
New Art Exhibit at Re/Max July 9-Nov 2, 2018
Exhibitors: Karen Cohen, Jan Zastrow, June Sherman, Charles Martine, Jon Weiner, Rindy O’Brien, Karin Zens and Karen Edgett
Questions: Steering Committee Please do not call REMAX.
RE/MAX Allegiance Realty Office invites Capitol Hill Art League Members to exhibit our November 2framed artwork, paintings, prints, mixed media, or collages in their prime location across from Eastern Market. Many new buyers are searching for homes in DC during the summer months and the REMAX realty office will be filled with our art on their walls. Great exposure for us. We receive the full amount of the sale price; all sales are handled between you and the buyer using the contact info you provide for your artwork (either phone # or email).
We are fortunate to have CHAL represented in many places on the Hill.