Category Archives: Uncategorized

Oct. 2 CHAL members Art Critique

If you like to get some positive feedback and constructive opinions or tips on your artwork, bring 1-2 pieces of your work to the CHAL members critique group on Oct. 2 from 10-12noon. 
Carolyn R. runs the group and everyone is happy to share artistic impressions. Contact Carolyn to reserve your spot:

Where: Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, 545 7th St. SE, WDC

Mind of the Artist features Ken Bachman September

Learn more about our award winning member, Ken Bachman.   He currently has a solo show during September  at Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I (eye) St NWReception: Friday Sept. 7 from 6:30-8:30pm- you’re invited!  More info:

If you are a CHAL member and would like to tell your story about your art, please contact the steering committee at and we can assign a date for you to be featured!

August-September 2018 Calendar Listings for Capitol Hill Art League Members

August-September 2018 Calendar Listings for Capitol Hill Art League Members (only)

ENOWine Bar: July-August 31: Michael Ford Photography/CHAL member Sept;-October: Karin Edgett.

AugustCHAW Mind of the Artist Blog: Jane Mann Photography, CHAL member

August 18- Winners’ Circle Exhibit ENDS at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop.  Please pick up your work from Aug. 20-25 CHAW gallery is closed on Sundays.

August- CHAL Members’ Art exhibit at Re/Maxrealty office continues featuring CHAL artists and ends in November. Notices will be sent out with dates.

August 31, 2018 YOUR membership ends this date and our new CHAL season starts Sept. 1, 2018-August 31, 2019. Please renew either by calling CHAW and giving them your information and credit card to renew or mail in your membership renewal form attached. We have great shows that you will want to be part of in the next season!

Sept. 7 Celebrate at Dr. Halim’s Dentistry Office CHAL Members’ exhibit ends  Notice will be sent for pick up dates from Rindy O’Brien

Sept. 22 Annual Members Meeting 10-11:30 Donuts and coffee with speaker: Phil Hutinet, publisher of East City Art, DC’s visual arts publication and producer of EMULSION, East City Art’s biennial regional juried show.Non-members are welcome to come and learn about CHAL membership!

Sept. 22 Receiving/drop off for juried Joie De Vivre exhibit for CHAL members only. Here is the prospectus:

Velocity Condos exhibit CHAL Members’ Exhibit runs  June 13, 2018-October 10, 2018


August: Jane Mann-Mind of the Artist Blog

Learn about our member and award winning photographer: Jane Mann in the latest blog called Mind of the Artist:

If you are a member and  would like to tell your story about yourself and your art, please contact the steering committee at and we can assign you a month before this year is over!

Jane Mann