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April-August 2019 CHAL Calendar of Events

April Open-Call All-Media Juried Exhibit Theme: “By Design”
Juror: Claude Elliot.    Exhibition Dates: April 6 – May 9, 2019                                                            Stay tuned for more info and dates…

May ARTISTS’ PICK     Members-Only, All-Media Exhibit (non-juried) Receiving: May 11 + 13, 9:30-11:30 AM          Exhibition Dates: May 18 – June 1, 2019    Opening Reception: May 18, 5- 7 PM

JUNE WINNERS CIRCLE EXHIBIT.  CHAL Season’s Award WinnersReceiving: June 15 -17 Winners will be notified via email about this show.   Installation: June 18, 10:00-Noon                                     Exhibition Dates: June 22- August 17.                              Opening Reception: June 22, 5 – 7PM

This Calendar will be regularly updated throughout the season as new opportunities arise and details are confirmed.



“Feast of Love” List of juried CHAL Exhibitors

DUMBARTON CONCERT GALLERY presents Capitol Hill Art League’s: FEAST of Love juried exhibit  Lisa Semerad, Juror, Art League Instructor
Exhibit Dates: Feb. 11- Feb.25, 2019

Saturday, February 16, 2019, 6 p.m. 8 p.m.
Rosa Lamoreaux and Michael Bard Love Songs with piano.
Meet  CHALArtists following performance 8-8:30pm and Saturday February 23, 2019 Delphi Trio Art Concert 8 – 10 p.m.Meet the Artists Artists’ Reception 6-8pm

Congratulations to: Nancy Arbuthnot, Kenneth Bachman, Kimberley Bursic, Sally Canzoneri, Elizabeth Eby, Karin Edgett, Nancy Ennis, Kay Fuller, Heike Gramckow, Tara Hamilton, Ann Pickett, Carolyn Rondthaler, Lynn Schlimm, Jan Zastrow, and Karen Zens.

Shown here: Lynn Mallone Schlimm’s “Chesapeake Oyster Feast” which SOLD to a lucky patron of the arts. 

“Feast of Love” juried exhibit for CHAL members’ online entries

    POP Up Exhibition Opportunity for CHAL Artists/Members Only

Where: Dumbarton Concert Gallery, 3133 Dumbarton Street NW Washington DC 20007

When: Feb. 11-Feb. 25, 2019      Theme: Feast of Love      Juror: Lisa F. Semerad

This is a Members only, 2-D exhibit. Please find  all the instructions here:  DumbartonFEASTofLOVEProspectus2019 (1)  Deadline to enter online: January 11

Feb. 5, 2019 CHAL Members Art Critique Group (Skip January Session)

CHAL Members: If you like to get  positive feedback and constructive opinions or tips on your artwork, bring 1-2 pieces of your work to the CHAL members’ critique group on Feb. 5 from 10-12noon. All participants should  bring artwork in order to comment on others’ artwork.
Watercolor artist and member, Carolyn Rondthaler, runs the monthly group and everyone is happy to share turns expressing their artistic impressions.  Please keep your comments brief due to time constraints on using this space, it is a two hour session.

Contact Carolyn to reserve your spot: This group meets once a month on the first Tuesday at CHAW. There will be NO critique group for January 1,  2019.

Non-members can participate ONCE in a CHAL members session and can join CHAL as members for future critique sessions, events and exhibits with CHAL.

Where: Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, 545 7th St. SE