Author Archives: chal

October/Show and Tell: What I did on my Summer Vacation 2017

Capitol Hill Art League’s October Juried Exhibit. Congratulations to all the artists chosen for our first show of the season!  Theme: Show and Tell/What I did last Summer.

AWARDS: First Place: Eve D Sandmeyer

Second Place: Ken Bachman

Third Place: Kim Bursic

HONORABLE MENTION:  Marilyn Christiano, Karen Cohen

Exhibit: October 1 – November 3, 2016.     Opening reception: Saturday October 1st, 5-7p.m

Where: Capitol Hill Art Workshop, Washington, DC

Glen Kessler/Juror        Please find the acceptance list here.

Kim Bursic and Ann Pickett at Ruff Plastic Surgery

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The current exhibit at Ruff Plastic Surgery features the artwork of CHAL members Ann Pickett and Kim Bursic.  The Artist Reception will be Thursday, June 23rd, 5-7 p.m. (see address below). Come toast the artists and the vast number of artworks on display. The art will be exhibited from June 6-September 30.

Ruff Plastic Surgery
2440 M St NW Ste200
Washington, DC 20037
Direct: 202 587-5979
Office Tel: 202 785-4187

To view past exhibits at Ruff Plastic Surgery, follow this link:

Kate McConnell at Eno Wine Bar



Fort Reno Park RGB 72 dpi-2June 1st through July 31 Kate will display her lush landscapes inspired by Fort Reno and other local views at Eno Wine Bar in Georgetown. Stop by, raise a glass to Kate and her verdant visions of DC. See her artist statement and biography below to get a glimpse into the process and inspiration for the artwork.

Kate’s Artist Statement

Kate’s Artist Biography

ENO Georgetown Location:
2810 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20007
Phone: (202)295-2826