Author Archives: chal

March 5, 2019 CHAL Members Art Critique Group

CHAL Members: If you like to get  positive feedback and constructive opinions or tips on your artwork, bring 1-2 pieces of your work to the CHAL members’ critique group on March  5 from 10-12noon. All participants should  bring artwork in order to comment on others’ artwork.
Watercolor artist and member, Carolyn Rondthaler, runs the monthly group and everyone is happy to share turns expressing their artistic impressions.  Please keep your comments brief and take turns due to time constraints on using this space, it is a two hour session.

Contact Carolyn to reserve your spot: This group meets once a month on the first Tuesday at CHAW. There will be NO critique group for January 1,  2019.

Non-members can participate ONCE in a CHAL members session and can join CHAL as members for future critique sessions, events and exhibits with CHAL.

Where: Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, 545 7th St. SE

Feb. 5, 2019 CHAL Members Art Critique Group (Skip January Session)

CHAL Members: If you like to get  positive feedback and constructive opinions or tips on your artwork, bring 1-2 pieces of your work to the CHAL members’ critique group on Feb. 5 from 10-12noon. All participants should  bring artwork in order to comment on others’ artwork.
Watercolor artist and member, Carolyn Rondthaler, runs the monthly group and everyone is happy to share turns expressing their artistic impressions.  Please keep your comments brief due to time constraints on using this space, it is a two hour session.

Contact Carolyn to reserve your spot: This group meets once a month on the first Tuesday at CHAW. There will be NO critique group for January 1,  2019.

Non-members can participate ONCE in a CHAL members session and can join CHAL as members for future critique sessions, events and exhibits with CHAL.

Where: Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, 545 7th St. SE

December 10 Sip and Shop Holiday sale at East City Book Shop

The Capitol Hill Association of Merchants and Professionals (CHAMPS) sponsored  Sip and Shop holiday sale event on Monday, December 10th from 6-9pm on Capitol Hill. CHAL displayed artwork inside East City Bookshop on Pennsylvania Avenue SE.

Rindy O’Brien, Tara Hamilton, Karen Cohen, Carolyn Rondthaler and Sarah Porter, CHAL members, participated in the Sip and Shop art sale/table and sold artwork, greeting cards, matted prints, etc. $5.00 fee (paid at event to CHAW).

November 17 Reception for Artists’ Choice group exhibit

25 Capitol Hill Art League members brought in artwork for group exhibit called Artists’ Choice at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop on exhibit  till December 5. Members choose their own favorite creation to put on the gallery walls.  Voting for “people’s choice” during the reception event gave Kim Bursic’s painting, “Book Choi” the most votes. Kim wons a $25 gift certificate from Plaza Arts Materials in DC.

New Member and artist: Nancy Ennis with her oil painting called Luscious Purple.

The show features artwork from: Kay Fuller, Bob Fuller, Rindy OBrien, Marilyn Christiano, Karen Cohen, Karen Zens, Kimberley Bursic, Karen Van Allen, Tamora Ilasat, Nancy Ennis, Jonathan Weiner, Carolyn Rondthaler, Jan Zastrow,  Christoper Lewis, Karen Edgett, James Mallos, Tara Hamilton, Linda Norton, Robert Lipartito, Judy Searles, Patricia Granados, Ken Bachman, Gregg Adams, Sally Canzoneri and Kate McConnell. Info here: