Author Archives: chal

Sept. 9 Greg Staley Photoshoot for CHAL members

CHAL artists who need their artwork professionally photographed, please set this date on your calendar and RSVP for your slot. We need a minimum of 5 artists or so to hire Greg Staley.

Date: Sept. 9 from 10:30am-12:30pm in the Black Box Theatre at CHAW
                                                      Deliver by 9:30 AM, Pick up at 1 PM.

RSVP to  and she will contact you via email. Put in your subject line: Greg Photoshoot and please let her know approx how many pieces of artwork that you intend to have photographed.

Fee: $10.00-$15.00 per item cash or check payable to Greg Staley
Payment: Check or cash-paid to Greg Staley at the day of the photo shoot.

Questions: email Kate from the Steering Committee at


Note: Sept 9 from 9:30-11:30 is also the same day as receiving day for our members only non-juried exhibit called ROAD TRIP.

September 14th Annual Meeting

Capitol Hill Art League rescheduled our annual membership drive/meeting which had been planned for Sept. 7th at 11:30 am. is now slated for Sept. 14 at 4:15pm-5:00pm in the Artists Studio (Upstairs) At CHAW.

Capitol Hill Art League invites our 70 members and area artists to our annual membership drive and renewal meeting. New members are welcome to join! Whether you are a novice or professional, we love all types of artwork!

Our Steering Committee of CHAL will present a brief introduction to CHAL, what we do, upcoming events, benefits etc. Meet lots of local artists!

CHAL season runs Sept. 1, 2019-Aug. 31, 2020. Membership Fee: $60 with volunteer hours and $90 with no volunteer hours   $25 for students with I.D.

Immediately following the meeting, CHAL invites members as well as the public to our Opening Reception for a members’ exhibition themed: ROAD TRIP. Reception time: 5pm to 7pm in the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop gallery.

Friends, family, and fans are all welcome to attend the reception after the membership drive.

Click here to download our new 2019-2020 membership form . OR we have a new feature which allows you to register your membership and payment online! Go to the membership page and hit the blue MEMBERSHIP button.

If you prefer to mail your membership form with your check to: Capitol Hill Art League,, 545 7th St SE, Washington, DC 20003 or bring it with you to our annual meeting. Pls make checks to Capitol Hill Art League or you can pay in person at CHAW with credit card, cash, or check. 

Winners’ Circle Exhibit June 22- August 17, 2019

JUNE WINNERS CIRCLE EXHIBIT.  CHAL Season’s Award Winners from Sept. 2018 – Aug. 31, 2019 will be showing their artwork in this group, unjuried show. Exhibit runs: June 22-August 17.

Congratulations to the following members for receiving awards for this season:

                   Nico Gozal, Hernan Murno, Robert Weinstein (By Design), Mai Pham, Karen Cohen, Kate McConnell, Elizabeth Eby, Kay Fuller and JoAnn Laboy (HOME), Rosabel Goodman (TREEmendous at Hill Center), Ann Pickett, Nancy Arbuthnot, Judy Searles, Hernan Murno and Susan Canuteson (Joie de Vivre), Kimberley Bursic (Peoples’ Choice for Nov. Artists’ Choice) and Charles Martin (People’s Choice for April 2019 Artists’ Choice).

Reception Date: June 22 from 5-7pm at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, 545 7th St SE

Photo credit: Gregg Adams. Shown left to right Robert Weinstein, Ann Pickett, Kay Fuller, Karen Cohen, Charles Martin, and Nico Gozal

Fans, friends, and family are invited to our reception to  meet astounding artists in person!         This is the last exhibit for the 2018-2019 season! Don’t miss it. 

Artists Choice Exhibit May 13-June 1

Capitol Hill Art League invites friends, fans, and family to our Artists Choice exhibit. CHAL Artists have chosen their favorite artwork to display and sell.

                                                    “I Love Blue”, painting by Karen Van Allen

Featuring: Karen Van Allen, Mary Procter, Bill Matuszeski, Nico Gozal, Jim Huttinger, Karen Cohen, Nancy Ennis, Karin Edgett, Ken Bachman, Erika Rubel, Tara Hamilton, James Mallos, Charles Martin, Jan Zastrow, Linda Norton, Rindy O’Brien, Kim Bursic, Ann Pickett, Elizabeth Eby, Karen Zens, Kate McConnell, Marian Wiseman, Michael McSorely, Elin Whitney-Smith, and Carolyn Rondthaler.

Location:Capitol Hill Arts Workshop/CHAL Gallery, 545 7thSt SE

Reception Dates:  May 18 from 5-7pm. Everyone is invited to vote for People’s Choice!

Exhibit runs: May 13 – June 1, 2019   CHAW/CHAL Gallery hours are Monday-Saturday, closed Sundays.