Author Archives: chal

JOIN Capitol Hill Art League online

We are a volunteer-managed art program of the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop. We welcome artists of all ages, mediums, and levels! You may  sign up and pay for annual membership online on this Website. Look for the blue BECOME a MEMBER icon and hit it. It will take you to our new online form to fill out. You will receive a confirmation email showing that you paid and the date. To date, we have over 84 members of mixed ages who produce art in all forms-beginners and professionals alike!

Volunteer Level $60 (agree to volunteer hours at 2 events)

Adult Level $90 (no volunteer hours)   Student Level $25 (volunteer hours)

Come on and join the fun and exhibit your artwork!

October Mike McSorely exhibit

Mike McSorely

Mike McSorely  presents his artwork in the conference room in Velocity Condos for the whole month of October and ending November 11.   If you are interested in presenting your artwork in 2020,  please contact: Sales are made directly between the artist and the buyer and there is no commission taken.

Martha Pope: Mind of an Artist Blog September

Here’s an  informative article in the CHAW blog featuring our CHAL member and local artist, Martha Pope. Please check it out here:

Once a month, Capitol Hill Arts Workshop runs a story featuring one of CHAL’s current artist/member! It could be YOU next year 2020. Contact if you would like to tell the world about your artwork!

Road Trip Reception Sept. 14 (video)


CHAL members have submitted artwork for the ROAD TRIP exhibit at CHAW gallery. Please stop in and see our artwork and be sure to come to our party/reception on Saturday Sept. 14 from 5-7pm.

Our exhibiting artists are: Karen Zens, Jim Huttinger, Robert Lipartito, Ann Pickett, Judy Searles, Nancy Ennis, Rindy O’Brien, Karen Cohen, Marilyn Christiano, Karen Komar, Carolyn Rondthaler, Tara Hamilton, Dave Mann, Jane Mann, Wan Lee, Joann Laboy, Kim Bursic,  Karen Van Allen, Erika Rubel, Elizabeth Eby, Kate McConnell, and Nancy Arbuthnot. These artists also renewed their annual membership with CHAL. Thank you artists for your great artwork and involvement with CHAL!

The People’s Choice vote goes to Erika Rubel for her 3-d collage/artwork called Where to Now? 

Also, thank you to our newest member, Fatuma, who put together this video from the reception night’s show. Welcome Fatuma and we are so glad you will assist with social media for CHAL!

Exhibit dates for Road Trip: Sept. 10-28.

Where: Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, 545 7th St SE