Author Archives: chal

Tribute to George Floyd

Karin Edgett/artist

Capitol Hill Art League’s relationship and support with our community, artists, and neighbors have always been important to our art league for over thirty years.  Currently Capitol Hill  is buzzing with protests for justice and equality. 

Smithsonian Institution Secretary, Lonnie G. Bunch III, expressed his hope that this “pain and sorrow compel America to confront its tortured racial past, and that this moment becomes the impetus for our nation to address racism and social inequities in earnest.”

Throughout history, there has always been a strong relationship between art and politics, social changes and injustices.  Dada poet Hugo Ball states: “For us, art is not an end in itself … but it is an opportunity for the true perception and criticism of the times we live in.”

80 artists members:  we request your ideas for moving forward in these troubled times. We can all plan for a better future in the arts, not just our members, but for our community.  Please share your ideas via this group for potential new inclusive projects, exhibits, outreach partnerships, promotions, and mentorships. 

Our member and Capitol Hill resident, artist Karin Edgett, created this beautiful memorial photograph of George Floyd. Karin pays tribute: “George Floyd merging with flowers ~ go into the light in peace ~ Your gentle soul’s light will shine on forever ~”

May ~ Mind of the Artist Blog featuring: Fatuma Mohamed

Fatuma joined Capitol Hill Art League last year and her work has been exhibited at CHAW in various shows ever since. Born and raised in Kenya, Fatuma says, “I loved how a painting and its use of different colors would exert different emotions and reactions from different minds.” Please read about: Fatuma Mohamed in this month’s blog: You can see more of her art work:

May – Plein air club/challenge

Jerry by Carolyn Rondthaler
Jerry Looks Out my Window by Carolyn Rondthaler

We may be stuck inside but we can still look out the window for inspiration!  May’s subject for sketching/drawing/painting/photography is OUT MY WINDOW. Our last submission comes from watercolorist, Carolyn Rondthaler with help from her cat, Jerry. Stay tuned for June’s theme for sketch/draw/photo challenge.

April – Plein Art club: TOYS

April’s subject for sketching/drawing/painting/photography was TOYS. Here’s some artworks from our members!

Next month’s theme: Out my Window for May-please send your sketches and finished drawings to

MELTDOWN deadline extended June 14!

The Capitol Hill Art League presents a members’ juried virtual exhibition: MELTDOWN

Summer Refreshment
by Jennifer Kahn Barlow
Second Place Winner in OUR WORLD
open call exhibit 2018

June 24, 2020

Deadline to enter: June 14 midnight
Juror: John Coppola
Virtual Reception: On Zoom June 27, 2020 from 5-6pm Our Juror will present his remarks via zoom. Members will receive a Zoom invite via email.

Meltdown: How do you see MELTDOWN. Go dark or find the beauty? Our artists will share their artistic visions of something MELTING=emotions, things, places, people, even ice cream!

About our juror: John Coppola served as Director of Smithsonian Exhibits, providing design, editing, production, and installation services for temporary, traveling and permanent exhibits at the national museum complex.

Digital Entry: Selections for this exhibit will be made by the juror from JPEG images submitted by the artists through the SmarterEntry platform. Please look for our email announcement sent directly to members for all the details and or read the prospectus fully.

Submissions open May 4 and close automatically on the deadline extended to JUNE 14 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time. Prices cannot be changed after submitted. Please read the full prospectus.